
Fakta om udbudet

Offentligt udbud


MeetDenmark ? Dansk Erhvervs- og Mødeturisme // CVR:35434062

Market analysis for MeetDenmark

MeetDenmark ? Dansk Erhvervs- og Mødeturisme // CVR:35434062

OpgavebeskrivelseThis tender is made on behalf of the Danish development organisation for business tourism - MeetDenmark (CVR: 35434062). The secretariat of MeetDenmark is located at Wonderful Copenhagen.

MeetDenmark is looking for a supplier who can conduct an in-depth market analysis, that provides an overview of key market trends and how they affect and impact the business tourism industry, both in the short and long term. The insights will be used by MeetDenmark, the Danish destinations, and the Danish business tourism industry in the future development of new strategies, products, and services.

The market analysis should consist of three parts:

The chosen supplier must carry out a meta-analysis, i.e., a systematic review of relevant existing literature, and on this basis work out an overview of the most important trends and the impact they have or will have on business tourism.

In-depth analysis of three markets within business tourism:
To get a better and more nuanced understanding of how the identified key trends impact the various areas within the business tourism sector, the supplier is also to do an in-depth analysis of three different markets: Trade fairs, meetings and incentives (M&I), and congresses.

Based on the insights from both the meta-analysis and the three sub-analyses, the chosen supplier must present recommendations for new initiatives and measures that can be initiated by the MeetDenmark, the Danish CVB’s and the industry.

Insights from the analyses and the proposed recommendation is to be summarized in a report for MeetDenmark and its partners. Besides the report, the chosen supplier also needs to develop and produce communication material, that targets the Danish business tourism industry e.g., hotels, venues, PCO’s etc. The purpose of the material is to make the insights from the analyses more relevant and accessible for industry.

For more information on scope, objectives, budget and timeline - see the tender dokumentation.
Annonceret1. marts 2023 10:00:00 CET
Deadline20. marts 2023 09:00:00 CET
UdbudstypeMindre danske udbud
UdbudsformOffentligt/åbent udbud
CPV kode85312320

Dokumenter & materiale

Dokumenter> application/pdf
> application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document

Tildelings- og udvælgelseskriterier

TildelingskriterierØkonomisk mest fordelagtige bud


NavnJesper Grenaa
Telefon+45 20939336


NavnMeetDenmark ? Dansk Erhvervs- og Mødeturisme // CVR:35434062
AdresseNørregade 7B
1165 København K
Telefon+45 20939336

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